Urban template is one of the starting scene + tutorial created within Unity to help environment artist to get up and running with Unity. The ultimate goal was to help artist get to create in Unity within minutes.
- Collaborated on defining requirements and success criteria for the template
- Created and collaborated on various shaders related with environment art.
- Edge decal automation
- Vegetation shaders, with and without vertex painting.
- From trees to grass and everything in between
- Various vertex painting shaders.
- From a generic / multi functional as well as more specific shaders (such as wall, pavement etc)
- Fake window interior / parallax shaders
- Worked with various stakeholders and upstream our findings when creating the template to the relevant team
- Transferring vertex colour painting from LOD 0 to all lower LODs in Polybrush
- Created In Editor Tutorial on various features that are relevant for environment artist
- Collaborated with Unity profiling team, as well as lighting team
- Guided internal artist and outsourcing in the project.
- Batch tool to implement lightmap setting based on size/bounding box to speed up baking
- Code is very similar to GI disabler below
- GI Disabler – https://gist.github.com/aobond2/3951e4dceab70bbcbf7d01f59a38f220